
Silver plating

Silver is one of the seven metals known to ancient men and it occupies an important place alongside gold in every civilisation. In olden days silver was used for making high value coins because of its lustrous quality. In magic and medicine too, it was used for its protective and auspicious nature. Even today silver is widely used in temples as a metal for making shields, idols and ornaments. Silver plays a prominent place in the day to day activities of the church too, the church considers silver more pure and sacred than gold.

Silver has exceptional medicinal qualities, even today most medicines have silver compounds in them. Silver can heal infections and cure diseases, it also gives immunity against many of them. For this very reason down the ages, household cutleries all over the world have been plated with silver. Silver reflective qualities helps to protect a house or person wearing it from harmful cosmic and psychic vibrations. It is also highly conductive of tranquil and healing vibrations. Silver’s white colour like a pure moonlight signifies the quality of divineness, making silver a part of your life definitely brings very positive changes to it.

At GOLD PLATING ART STUDIO we can help you attain your dreams with more ease. Make silver a part of your day to day life. We plate any articles, from your favourite idol of god, your devotional objects, important artefacts, or simply anything for ornamental purpose. We help you shine in your life and bring overflowing light with silver at a very low cost.

Plating Enquiry

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